Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Changing The Voice Of Child Sex Trafficking - 1856 Words
Changing the Voice of Child Sex Trafficking In the US There is a global issue growing and it’s knocking on our own back door here in the United States. It’s a problem that affects millions of women, men, and children. This issue is the third largest global criminal enterprise. So what is the issue? The issue is modern day slavery, better known as human trafficking. Worldwide, there are over 20 million human trafficking victims, and of that 26% are children, and 55% are women and girls. In 2015 it was reported that 1 out of 5 endangered runaways reported to the National Center of Exploited and Missing Children were likely sex trafficking victims; furthermore, 74% of them were children in the care of social services and foster care when†¦show more content†¦Raising awareness of child sex trafficking is extremely important if a change is going to be made. Most think human trafficking is humans being brought in from other countries and forced to do labor, or sex tr ade against their will, but even on US soil adults and children can be targeted. One way to raise awareness is to understand signs and identify victims. In a recent article written by nurse practitioner Janet Selway said that â€Å"particularly those working with children in school, health, other settings, we may have encounter young victims yet be completely unaware of their situation†(258) The US Department of Education Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools(OFDFS), says trafficking can include school-age children, particularly those who are not living with their parents. The OFDFS has a list of signs that a victim may exhibit, while many of the signs of sex trafficking are similar to signs of abused children. Some additional signs can be that a child suddenly acquires expensive items, has an older boyfriend, and uses the terminology of the sex industry beyond age specific norms. It is extremely important that communities educate the public on this list of signs. If the publi c is more knowledgeable and aware of what to look for, then they can succeed in the prevention of child sex trafficking. Janet Selway emphasized that â€Å"All human trafficking is horrific, but the concept of defenseless children being sold
Monday, December 23, 2019
Essay on Global Marketing - 4143 Words
â€Å"Global Marketing Management†â€Å"Bridgestone: European Marketing Strategy†CONTENTS 1.0: Make an assessment of the competitive strategies that Michelin, Continental and Goodyear respectively may pursue to strengthen their European Market position. Page 4-6 2.0 Make an assessment of the alternative competitive strategies that Bridgestone can pursue to strengthen its European Market position. Page 7-8 3.0 Give a well-reasoned proposal for the criteria to be used by Bridgestone when choosing market (country) that requires a larger marketing effort (you can also include central and eastern Europe). Page 9-10 4.0†¦show more content†¦They hope to continue to maintain their market position, with innovative advertising and promotion schemes which will add to the development of their already high brand awareness within the tyre market. In relation to Porters Generic Strategy it is thought that Michelin has a strategy based on differentiation as their product range and amount of services are second to none throughout the world. The ability to provide tyres to different countries that have entirely different needs is efficient. For example, providing tyres for the American market where there is a fashionable status around their cars. Another example would be how Michelin provide tyres for the Asian market, where the cars that they drive and the environment that they drive in require different tyres which encourages Michelin to adapt to all of these markets. Differentiation is a key factor and is used to provide Michelin with a competitive edge over their rivals. Goodyear Goodyear currently maintains an 18.2% market share, behind Michelin and Bridgestone. Although the company is the second largest tyre maker in Europe, in order to maintain and strengthen this position, in 1998 Goodyear pursued an alliance with Sunitomo Rubber Industries. This was a good strategy, as it allowed Goodyear to take control of the Dunlop brand in both Europe and North America. This may provide Goodyear with the advantage of eventually taking complete ownership of Dunlops tyre activities, a move which wouldShow MoreRelatedGlobal Marketing5709 Words  | 23 Pagesï » ¿ Global Marketing Plan Yve Franks MKT/562 Executive Summary Gambit Sports Outreach Program is designed to reach the children and the residents of Haiti. Gambits purpose is to develop a nonprofit sports soccer facility that focuses on educating the whole person through education, nutrition and sports. Children are in important part of our future and Gambit wants to be able to help Haiti andRead MoreGlobal Marketing4353 Words  | 18 PagesModule Handbook International Marketing Table of Contents 1. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
Study into English Courseware for Slow Learners Free Essays
Abstract- Current tendency indicate that larning through the usage of application and courseware had become of import instruction method. However, it is different instance for slow scholars. As most schools easy accommodating the more effectual instruction method, they can non maintain up with the flow. We will write a custom essay sample on Study into English Courseware for Slow Learners or any similar topic only for you Order Now Even though there are courseware developed for the slow scholars, the courseware is far from carry throughing their specific demands. Statistic shows that in a US typical schoolroom there will be 3 or 4 slow scholars. In countries of poorness and many low-income urban countries, the kids per schoolroom who could be characterized as slow scholars might be twice that figure. The feature of the slow scholars are frequently described as immature in dealingss, find it hard to work out complex job, work really easy, can easy lose path of clip, unable to execute long-run ends, and have hapless concentration accomplishments. However, they are really good with hands-on stuffs. This paper will show the development of courseware made to learn English for the slow scholars. Keywords-component: courseware ; slow scholars ; English ; Introduction Background Slow scholars are no longer rare instances in Malaysia. However, they are non categorized as people with particular demands. Some might confound the slow scholars with dyslexia. However, both footings are different. Dyslexic will hold troubles in larning to read and compose despite holding same learning procedure and attempt with others. For slow scholars, they do non make good at schools or undertaking that require extended reading, authorship, and mathematic but they perform great outside category particularly in hands-on undertakings. They will necessitate excess clip in finishing the undertakings given. Because of their features, slow scholars are ever left behind as they can non catch up with the larning procedure gone through by other childs. Even though new engineering has been developed to heighten larning procedure, they are left out because it is non suited for their acquisition demands. This undertaking is intend to heighten the English courseware specifically for the slow scholars in manner that will function their acquisition demands which is different from other childs. The courseware will be focus on non-linear techniques to do it flexible and more contributing for the slow scholars. As there is non much of courseware developed for slow scholars, the merchandise of the undertaking will significantly convey the acquisition procedure for the slow scholars into new degree and lighten up the hope for them to larn like normal childs. Problem Statement Teaching slow scholars is n’t same like learning normal childs. Teaching them require different methods and attacks because of their features. As larning procedure traveling on taking advantage of computing machines and cyberspace, slow scholars are left behind because there are no specific acquisition applications for them that will accommodate their demands particularly in critical topics such as Science and Mathematic. There are tonss of courseware in the market out at that place but it is excessively small in Numberss and it is far from perfect. This new courseware to be developed will be a great tool for instructor to learn English to the slow scholars because it will heighten what ‘s already in the courseware and do it better. Aims and Scope of Surveies Aims The aim of this undertaking is to heighten the current English courseware from Mohd Izzat Helmi Bin Yahya ‘s English Courseware for Slow Learners undertaking and will be specifically designed for the slow scholars so that the acquisition procedure will accommodate their demands. Because of their features, the courseware will necessitate careful designation.. The courseware will enrich English larning procedure which already in the current courseware and do it more synergistic and flexible. Scope of Surveies The undertaking will affect the survey of slow scholar behaviour and courseware development. The consequence of the survey so will be analyzed to develop and heightening cognitive accomplishments developing that will be integrated with the courseware so that the mark to learn slow scholars can be achieved. Target group of the courseware will be primary school pupil in Standard 4 to Standard 6 ( 10-12 old ages old ) . The courseware will be developed as a game to learn General English. Literature Review Game-Based Learning Marc Prensky ( 2003 ) says that since Pong is introduced in 1974, the alone expertness that game interior decorators have honed to a superfine border is participant battle: the ability to maintain people in their seats for hr after hr, twenty-four hours after twenty-four hours, at ecstatic attending, actively seeking to make new ends, shouting with hilarity at their successes, determined to get the better of their failures, all the piece imploring for more. Along with the new engineering that had been developed in recent old ages, games had become more than merely amusement, it had evolve to go the medium of larning. In Digital Game-Based Learning ( Prensky, 2001 ) , explain that kids presents are different from old coevals where they grow up with digital engineering and their heads are altering to suit the engineerings with which they spend more clip. From at that place, it is clear that most kids today from different gender, ages and societal groups spends most of the clip with vid eo games. Many experts see the values in video games as a medium of larning. Its true that this kids love games more than schools but their attitudes toward games is the attitude of the scholars ; passionate, concerted, and actively affect in problem-solving. Research by Zyda ( 2007 ) argue that computing machine games are an piquant medium for acquisition, since games can excite cognitive procedures such as reading explicit and inexplicit information, deductive and inductive logical thinking, problem-solving, and doing illations from information displayed across a figure of screens To specify game based acquisition will be rather complicated because there are several different sentiment on the affair. Kirjavainen ( 2009 ) specify game-based acquisition as field of research and game design based on observations that play, structured or unstructured, conditions the human encephalon for transmutation and acquisition. Wee Hoe Tan ( 2008 ) defines game-based acquisition as signifier of learner-centered acquisition that uses electronic games for educational intents. However, the construct of game-based acquisition is still the same ; the usage of game with the defined acquisition results for the intent of acquisition. Kasvi ( 2000 ) lists the seven demands for effectual acquisition environment as: Supply a high strength of interaction and feedback ; Have specific ends and established processs ; Be motivational ; Supply a continual feeling of challenge, non excessively hard to be frustrating nor excessively easy to make ennui ; Supply a sense of direct battle on the undertaking involved ; Supply the appropriate tools that fit the undertaking ; and Avoid distractions and breaks that destroy the subjective experience. Kasvi ( 2000 ) suggests that computing machine games fulfill all of these demands and believes that they â€Å" satisfy them better than most other larning mediums †. By looking at how the Western universe had utilised game as larning faculty in schoolroom, it proves that the statement is true. R.V. Eck ( 2006 ) explain that games like Civilization, SimCity 4, Cruise Ship Tycoon, and Roller Coaster Tycoon had already been implemented in schoolroom. Peoples might be disbelieving at first glimpse. All these games have prove them incorrect. For illustration, in Roller Coaster Tycoon pupils build roller-coasters to different specifications, which is what applied scientists should make. By widening the gameplay with basic larning procedure like calculus physic cognition, it will do a valuable acquisition experience. Slow Learners in Malaya In Malaysia, dyslexic kids had begin to have attending when MyLexics, a courseware to assist the dyslexic learn basic Malay linguistic communication is introduced ( Haziq, 2009 ) . However, it ‘s a different narrative for the slow scholars. In fact, there are instances reported where slow scholars are left behind in the categories ( NST, 2008 ) . Cases like this should n’t go on because even though they are weak in survey they are decidedly really good in other facets. Even worse, One in every three juvenile delinquent in unity school in prison or detainment centres shows larning troubles including being slow scholars. ( The Star, 2008 ) Many believe that if these young person non identified and helped will do them to stop up as felons. Most of them tend to drop out of schools and vulnerable to negative influence because of the job they facing. Get the better ofing the Failings Research by LearningRX ( 2006 ) argue that weak cognitive accomplishments are the cause of larning disablements such as dyslexia and decelerate acquisition. Important accomplishments such as concentration, perceptual experience, memories and logical thought are non every bit good as other normal people which make reading, authorship, and believing more hard. However, this failing can be improved through specific preparation and testing. Mel Levine ( 2008 ) explain that how Kitty Hawk Elementary School in North Carolina America had implied School Attuned Program utilizing the Neurodevelopmental Profiles where all pupils with different cognitive accomplishments can larn. Lisa Galleli, a instructor at Kitty Hawk describes her direction program for one such pupils as â€Å" He had important graphomotor failings with spelling and authorship. But he truly shined in his societal accomplishments and that made all the difference in the universe. He was besides good at math and job resolution . We use his strength who keep him motivated with success while undertaking his authorship job. †The consequence had proved that it is non impossible to get the better of the failing. Neurodevelopmental Profile is researched and synthesized by Mel Levine and his co-workers consist of 8 concepts that are: Table 1: 8 concepts of Neurodevelopmental Profiles Attention This includes the ability to concentrate, concentrate on one thing instead than another, finish undertakings, and command what one says and does Temporal-sequential ordination Whether it ‘s being able to declaim the alphabet or forcing a response button on Jeopardy, being able to understand the clip and sequence of pieces of information is a cardinal constituent of acquisition. Spatial ordination The ability, for case to separate between a circle and square or to utilize images to retrieve related information Memory Even if people are able to understand, form, and construe complex information at the minute, their inability to shop and subsequently remember can dramatically impact their public presentation. Language Developing linguistic communication maps involves luxuriant interaction between assorted parts of the encephalon that control such abilities as pronouncing words, understanding different sounds and groking written symbols Neuromotor maps The encephalon ‘s ability to organize motor or musculus map is cardinal to many country of acquisition, including authorship and keyboarding. Social knowledge One of the most unmarked constituents of acquisition is the ability to win in societal relationship with equal force per unit area. Higher-order knowledge This involve the ability to understand and implement the stairss necessary to work out jobs, attack new countries of acquisition and believe creatively. By recognizing that every homo have some strong maps and some weak 1s, Mel Levine found that it is possible to depict each person ‘s alone mix of strength and failings. Using the right method in developing the courseware and the right attack for the slow scholars, it is non impossible that this courseware will be decidedly assist them. Formative VS Summative Evaluation In order to garner informations for the sweetening of the courseware, an appraisal demand to be done. There are two methods to be used ; formative rating and summational rating. Harmonizing to H.L Roberts ( 2009 ) , formative ratings besides known as developmental or execution rating assess what works and what does non work about a peculiar activity or undertaking as it is go oning. It is used to measure the value of a undertaking as it is taking topographic point to find how it can be improved. The method usage in formative rating is the same like other appraisal which include study, interview or informations aggregation. This type of rating relies on qualitative informations that is how participants felt about the procedure every bit good as quantitative informations, such as charts or trial tonss. Formative rating typically involves a little group of users and participants in the undertaking being evaluated. Participants in formative ratings look non merely at the ends of the procedure and whether those ends are achieved but besides at the procedure itself and where that procedure is a successful one or non. Even though this type of appraisal is rather co mplex, there are benefit in it. It allow early designation of possible job in the topic of appraisal. Furthermore, it can be a good manner of gage the user perceptual experience on the topic because it rely on user feedback. As for summational rating, Fox Valley Technical College ( 2007 ) depict it as procedure that concerns concluding rating to inquire if the undertaking or plan met its ends. It is cumulative in nature. It concentrates on scholar results instead than merely the plan of direction where the purpose is to find the user ‘s command and apprehension of information, construct, accomplishment or procedure. Ongoing summational appraisal represents of import tools for supervising the advancement across clip. There are assorted method of summational appraisal such as presentation, licensing, internship, portfolio or clinical. Summational rating is typically quantitative, utilizing numeral tonss or missive classs to measure learner accomplishment. In a sense, it lets the scholar know â€Å" how they did †and â€Å" how good they are †However, there ‘s more to it. By looking at how the scholar ‘s did, it helps to cognize whether the merchandise teaches what it is su pposed to learn and how efficient it is. Here the courseware will be utilizing formative rating method. By utilizing formative rating, the current English courseware functionality can be assessed to happen out whether its working to absolutely or not.. Even if the courseware is working decently, it wo n’t carry through its aims if the user ( in this instance pupil ) do n’t wish it or holding job in utilizing it. By utilizing formative rating method, user feedback can be recorded and country of betterment can be found. In decision, formative rating method will measure the courseware from two positions ; the courseware functionality and user feedback. Both will greatly assist in the enhancement procedure of the current courseware. Methodology Throw-Away Prototyping The methodological analysis chosen for the undertaking would be Throw-Away Prototyping. Dummy paradigm, which is presentational merely will be developed. Thorough analysis will be done before first silent person paradigm is developed to guarantee the paradigm have enough inside informations stand foring existent working system. From at that place, the silent person paradigm will be shown and tested with the user to acquire feedback and identify extra demand. The following paradigm will be developed until it truly visualise existent working system. When it is ready and all issues are resolved, it will be implemented as fully-functional system. Figure 1: Throw-Away Prototyping Planing The planning stage is the important 1 in developing the undertaking. First thing to be considered is how the undertaking will be developed. For that, the Gantt Chart for the undertaking is build so that each undertaking milepost during the one twelvemonth of the undertaking can be tracked. Other than that, research is made to happen suited tool to be used for the development of the undertaking. As the undertaking intended to heighten the current courseware, research besides made to place suited trial topic to seek the current courseware. Initial Analysis During this stage, the trial scenario is developed and interview every bit good as questionnaire is build to acquire informations from the mark school. Data is gathered every bit much as possible which besides include slow scholar course of study in school and from there thorough analysis is done. The intent is to place strengths, failings, country of betterment and what to be done for the enhancement procedure. Prototype Building After all analysis has been done, the design of the courseware begins. A study is done to acquire the overview of new courseware to be developed. The study will gone through polish to incorporate the content and multimedia elements ( lifes, flow of information, etc ) . The inside informations of the design will be recorded. After all inside informations completed, the development of the paradigm Begin. When the silent person paradigm is complete with all needed characteristics, it will so prove at the school to happen whether it visualise all the issue that should be addressed. If farther polish is required, the silent person paradigm will continuously be build until all demands is complete. Execution After all demands had been fulfilled and the silent person paradigm is truly visualising the courseware, it will be declared to be complete and existent working courseware will be implemented. Research Methodologies To acquire all the information required, two research methodological analysiss will be chosen that are: Interview: An interview is conducted with the several instructor of the school. A trial scenario will be deployed to the pupil utilizing the current courseware along with the interview. This is portion of formative rating that will prove the functionality of the courseware and estimate the user on how they use the courseware. The aim is to place the strengths and failings of the current courseware and happen the country of betterment. Questionnaire: The interview and questionnaire will be done with the several instructor to derive in deepness inside informations of how slow scholars learn and gain all relevant informations which will be mention in developing the new courseware. Result A ; Discussion Requirement Gathering Interview In the manner of garnering informations required for the sweetening of the English courseware, an interview is conducted with Pn Khadijah, Coordinator of Special Education for Sekolah Kebangsaan Sultan Yusuf who is besides the English instructor for Particular Education Department. Using the current courseware made by Mohd Izzat Helmi B Yahya, a trial scenario is deployed where the end is to place the strengths and the failings of the courseware so that the consequence found can be implemented during the development of new English courseware. The trial scenario will verify the conditions and stairss taken in utilizing the courseware sample to acquire the consequence for farther analysis. Three slow scholar pupils from Sekolah Kebangsaan Sultan Yusuf take portion in the trial scenario. Below are the inside informations of the three pupils: Answering 1 – A 12 old ages old male child and is fixing for his UPSR following twelvemonth. He falls into the class of normal slow scholar. His public presentation in the category is really good. He has the basic accomplishments of utilizing computing machine which make him able to utilize the sample courseware decently. Answering 2 – A 12 old ages old male child. He falls under the class of slow scholar and Syndrom Down. He has the basic accomplishments of utilizing computing machine which make him able to utilize the sample courseware decently. Answering 3 – A 7 old ages old male child. He merely started his school early this twelvemonth. He is the most ambitious pupil because he falls under the ICU slow scholars class. Furthermore, he does n’t hold basic accomplishments of utilizing computing machine which make the trial scenario more hard to be performed. The intent of taking these three pupils is to detect how different classs of slow scholars make usage of and respond to the courseware. Basically, all the pupil use the courseware in the same manner depends on their cognition and accomplishments about computing machine. Below is the sum-up of consequence from the trial scenario done with all three pupils. Table 2: Summary of trial Scenario Result No Simulation Date Action and Data Expected Consequence Actual Consequence 1 12 Apr 2010 Establish the courseware interface Courseware interface appear successfully 2 12 Apr 2010 Establishing subject 1 Subject 1 launched successfully 3 12 Apr 2010 Launch ‘Learn ‘ from subject 1 bill of fare Learning faculty appear successfully 4 12 Apr 2010 Checking sound for subject one Audio working successfully 5 12 Apr 2010 Checking synchronism of audio and ocular flows. Audio and ocular is synchronized Flow of audio and ocular is excessively fast 6 12 Apr 2010 Click the button ‘Play Again ‘ for subject 1 acquisition faculty Audio and ocular rematch 7 12 Apr 2010 Launch ‘Exercise ‘ for subject 1 Exercise launched successfully Exercise for Topic 3 about colourss appear 8 12 Apr 2010 Performing exercising about Numberss Exercise done successfully Exercise can non be performed because exercising for colourss appear 9 12 Apr 2010 Click the button ‘Play Again ‘ for subject 1 exercising Exercise can be redo Exercise appear is non for subject 1 10 12 Apr 2010 Establishing subject 2 Subject 2 launched successfully 11 12 Apr 2010 Launch ‘Learn ‘ from subject 2 bill of fare Learning faculty appear successfully 12 12 Apr 2010 Click and hover on the images of the organic structure parts Audio and visuals working to depict the images Audio working merely if pointer is hovered on the image. When image clicked, nil happened 13 12 Apr 2010 Launch ‘Exercise ‘ for subject 2 Exercise launched successfully 14 12 Apr 2010 Drag the words into the several organic structure portion Wordss dragged successfully Because there are some input of the exercising non in the acquisition faculty of subject 2, pupil get confused easy 15 12 Apr 2010 Click the button ‘Play Again ‘ for subject 1 exercising Exercise can be redo 16 12 Apr 2010 Establishing subject 3 Subject 1 launched successfully 17 12 Apr 2010 Launch ‘Learn ‘ from subject 3 bill of fare Learning faculty appear successfully 18 12 Apr 2010 Click and hover on the images of the colour. Audio and visuals working to depict the images Audio appear when the image is clicked. When it is hovered nil happened 19 12 Apr 2010 Launch ‘Exercise ‘ for subject 3 Exercise launched successfully 20 12 Apr 2010 Draging each colour into the several jar. Each colour dragged successfully 21 12 Apr 2010 Tax return to courseware interface from any point of the courseware Courseware interface appear successfully Other that that, Pn Khadijah says that, the instruction course of study and method are different from the mainstream course of study. They use preschool course of study in their acquisition faculties However, if they show good public presentation the instructor will fix them to be in national scrutiny like UPSR. More information about the interview will be explained in the following subdivision below. Questionnaire In order to acquire in-depth inside informations of demands of the courseware to be developed, interviews and questionnaire is conducted with the several instructors of the schools. This is of import because non all required informations can be acquired through the trial scenario appraisal. The instructor replying the questionnaire is Pn Khadijah, Coordinator of Special Education for Sekolah Kebangsaan Sultan Yusuf. She has old ages of experience in learning slow scholars particularly in English topic. Pn Khadijah is given the overview of the current English courseware and so she is given the questionnaire. Below is the consequence of questionnaire answered by the instructor: Datas Analysis From the interview and questionnaire conducted with pupils and instructor of Sekolah Kebangsaan Sultan Yusuf, there are several issue should be addressed about the current English courseware and besides what can be improved for the courseware to be developed: Flow of audio and ocular must be synchronized and non excessively fast because slow scholars could n’t catch up if it ‘s excessively fast For unknown ground, exercising for Topic 1 that should cover about Numberss is replaced with exercising from Topic 3 which is about colorss consequences in holding two exercisings about colorss and the absences of exercising about figure. The direction is different than what can be done in the acquisition faculty. For illustration the direction of subject 2 says to snap the image to hear the sound. But alternatively, the sound merely look when pointer is hovered on the image. Nothing happened when it is clicked. Input signal of the exercising should be the same as what it appears in the acquisition faculties to avoid confusion for slow scholars. For illustration, the input of the exercising for subject 2 includes the tummy portion even though it is non taught in the acquisition faculties. Input of larning faculties should n’t be more than 5 in a subject because slow scholars could easy bury what they learn if there ‘s excessively many input. Slow scholars in Malaysia are familiar with the Malaysia English. Using U.S English or Britain English in the courseware would confound them. Students particularly childs like larning utilizing computing machine. Slow scholars are non excluded. So the courseware to be developed must be visually attractive. Proposed System Architecture Figure 2: Proposed System Architecture The courseware will incorporate usage suited multimedia elements that will back up synergistic acquisition environment either for the usage at school or at place. This will do the acquisition procedure will be more piquant and entertaining. The courseware will dwell of 3 faculties chiefly developed for pupils of Standard 4 to Standard 6. All this faculties will be developed based on larning course of study for slow scholars from Sekolah Kebangsaan Sultan Yusuf. After the application is launched, pupils will be accessing the courseware interface. To guarantee the flexibleness of the acquisition procedure, pupils will be given freedom to take which faculty they want to utilize. After each faculty there will be exercising that will prove the pupil ‘s understand of the current subject. However, pupils are free to take whether they want to make the exercising or non. If they do n’t desire to make the exercising, they can continue to following faculty or return to the courseware interface to take other faculties. In turn toing that slow scholars can non get by with excessively much input at a clip, each faculty will dwell of two parts. This will enable the pupils to enrich their acquisition without taking excessively much input at a clip. They have the freedom to take which portion they want to utilize in a faculty. The three faculties are: Numbers, Reading Skills, Body Parts. Faculty 1: Numbers The first faculty will learn the pupils the foundation of acknowledging Numberss. The first portion will learn about how to place ordinal and central Numberss and what ‘s the difference about them. The 2nd portion will learn the pupil how to distinguish between uneven Numberss and even Numberss utilizing the same faculties in current English courseware with sweetening made on it. Faculty 2: Reading Skills This faculty is intended to heighten the reading accomplishments of the students.. The activity in the first portion will be focus on duplicate image. Each clip a image from two sets of images will be shown to the pupil and from there the pupils will be asked to fit the image with the image from the set which is non shown. The 2nd portion will concentrate on duplicate missive and words. The construct will be the same like in the first portion. Faculty 3: Body Partss This faculty will learn the pupil the foundation of placing organic structure parts. The first portion will learn the pupil about chief organic structure parts in general. The 2nd portion will learn the pupil specifically about parts on caput The tools chosen for the development of the undertaking will be Gamemaker 8. The ground to utilize this tool is because it is easy to be used compared to most of other tools. It allow the user to utilize aggregation of freeware images and sound for starting motors like the writer to do a game looking courseware which will embrace on drag-and-drop action utilizing the mouse. This tool will be used along with other tools like Adobe Photoshop CS3 and Macromedia Flash where necessary to do the courseware more synergistic and rich. Decision Current English courseware is utilizing basic construct of uniting sound with ocular in the instruction. Even though, it is still non perfect. There is tonss of country for betterment can be made for the courseware. The writer ‘s undertaking will take the chance to do sweetening on the courseware to maximise its possible. The new courseware to be developed will be more synergistic and rich piece in the same clip turn toing the issue of current courseware. With aid from assorted parties such as the writer ‘s supervisor, Miss Elaine, instructors of Sekolah Kebangsan Sultan Yusuf every bit good as other people, this undertaking will win. Recognition The current courseware mentioned in this paper is developed by Mohd Izzat helmi B Yahya where his work had been base for the writer ‘s English courseware developed for slow scholars. Here the writer besides would wish to thank Ms. Elaine Chen Yoke Yie as the supervisor for the undertaking, Pn Khadijah, Coordinator of Special Education for Sekolah Kebangsaan Sultan Yusuf, and all other parties who had contribute to the undertaking whether straight or indirectly. How to cite Study into English Courseware for Slow Learners, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
The Mirror Of Time And Memory Essay Example For Students
The Mirror Of Time And Memory Essay The Mirror of Time and Memory. Live in the house-and the house will stand. I will call up any century, Go into it and build myself a houseWith shoulder blades like timber propsI help up every day that made the past,With a surveyors chain I measure timeAnd traveled through as if across the Urals. I only need my immortalityFor my blood to go on flowing from age to age. I would readily pay with my lifeFor a safe place with constant warmthWere it not that lifes flying needle leads me on Through the world like a thread. Arseniy TarkovskyThe films of Andrey Arsenevitch Tarkovsky fall into the separate genre of cinematic creations: they are more than drama or psychological thriller, more than philosophical cinema. Although Tarkovskys work has been deeply influenced with such prominent film directors as Kurosawa, Bunuel or Antonioni, the poetry of his father, Arseniy Tarkovsky, Boris Pasternak and many other Russian poets and writers, his films manage to form something completely unique to the mind of their director, convey a diaphanous psychological message. His cinematography is a celebration, a theatre of imprinted time, trapped with the skillful techniques of the plot-creating and camera usage of the director. As if in the Zone of his Staler the art of Andrey Tarkovsky freezes the moment, the gasp of time, enclosed into almost sculpture-like solid creation that opens up to the viewer its nostalgic breeze. The time exists, it crystallizes in form of faerie, elfish arabesque figures and characters an d yet it evaporates filling the space with a sense of solitude and sorrow for the past. Tarkovskys film Zerkalo or otherwise known as Mirror is a story of the human life; it is not quite a celebration of it; but rather a depiction of the web of the human senses. It is an autobiographic tribute to his abandoned by her husband during the war years mother, filled with the feelings of grief and amusement with her zealous self-sacrifice for the sake of her children. The narrator, or perhaps Tarkovsky himself, is trying to appease his guilty with indifference and scorn conscience with the memories of his childhood and attempts to relive or even incarnate the experiences of his past. The problems of the past are reflected and repeated in the present. Remembering Proust, Tarkovsky describes the effect of finishing Mirror: Childhood memories which for years had given me no peace suddenly vanished, as if they had melted away, and at last I stopped dreaming about the house where I had lived so many years before . As all of Tarkovskys films, Zerkalo is hard to be tied to any partic ular culture, it is universal, global in its meaning and message it conveys and yet fully comprehendible only by someone who experienced the described reality of pre-war Soviet times of Stalins repressions and the war itself. The film opens with a prologue that shows life footage of a boy being treated from stuttering. In the end of the prologue, the treated patient says, I can speak now; the entire essence of Zerkalo as the remembrances of a man who recalls the most important moments in his life, a man dying and acquiring a conscience. is presented in this short sequence. This little sequel is symbolic of the authors desire to be able to speak freely of the truth that is being uncovered in front of the narrators eyes. And as a miraculously cured boy suddenly discovers his ability to talk, the author unveils and admits the truth of his life to himself. Zerkalo incorporates three time schemes, one changing the other, that together constitute an autobiography of the artist, and a biog raphy of two Soviet generations within a wide-ranging context of Russian, European, and world history, linked together subjectively by dreams, memory, time, and art itself. The short sequences from the pre-war years are being replaced by the more modern ones, i.e. 1970s times, which are in turn suddenly replaced by the director with to the themes of war itself. The off-screen monologue introduces the recollections of the narrators childhood and his adult life that are being elucidated with the visualry of the images on the screen. The leaps between the scenes are perceived smoothly and line up into one picture. However, the view point that is being presented has an unusual approach: the past that is being shown is built up not simply of direct experience but is being presented as a mosaic of what the narrator knew firsthand, what he was told, what he dreamed or imagined, and what happened around him as part of a historical process that he shared with millions of other people. The dr eam and memory seem to overlap and intermingle, sharing the same visual and auditory imagery merging in time frames, with characters belonging to past and present appearing together. There are no loud scenes or spontaneous eruptions, but the underlying feelings of grief and guilt that are tormenting the narrator are obvious without showing emotions too vividly. The film is not an outburst; it is a quiet amusement with hitches of sadness, troubles of poverty and hunger, sorrow, loss, regret, fear, longing and desolation; but at the same time, love and hope. It is probably one of the greatest sensual films ever created. As Tarkovsky himself revealed the title Mirror is just an accidental thought that happened to accord with his personal feelings and psychological contemplation. Thus, the purpose of the film according to the director himself is its inspiration, is that of a homily: look, learn, use the life show here as an example. Although it seems so simple, the title is much more th an just a sudden thought. Mirror is not just a sudden word, it has deep cinematic, psychological and philosophical implications and overtones within the film. Common to Tarkovsky, already seen in Solaris and later in Nostalgia, cinematic technique, of multiple reflections is important in Mirror. The multiple reflection of the same people traveling through time in various mirrors is a center motif of the film. Mirrors here become the instruments of a magnificent time machine that is capable of juxtaposing the time and space of different generations; and yet the mirrors distort, refract, double and present in a new, more truthful or erroneous way the physical objects and human relationships in the film. The full understanding of the events that construct the story-line itself comes only by the end of the film, when the viewer is left with something more important, more valuable than a simple context: the time sequences and repetitions that construct what is known as life. Zerkalo is a clot of life, the images here should not be deciphered: they are to be perceived as they are. The further a viewer is from the content of a film, the closer he is; what people are looking for in cinema is a continuation of their lives, not a repetition. It is a dialogue between the past and present in which the narrator uses the memories and experiences of others, as well as his own, to enlarge his personal consciousness and free himself from his stifling egoism and self-centeredness. This is gauze of perception, an example cinematographic expressionism, where the feelings make up the essence of the film. Tarkovsky has revealed to the journalists that Zerkalo is an autobiographic depiction of the events, or rather of the situation of after-war Russia. This fills the film with the atmosphere of poignancy, but yet warmth, compassion and deepness. The senses of personal affliction and deep contemplation create an aura around the personages that all become brushstrokes of paint on the canvas of the great expression. The director takes us through different aspects of memorymemory as conscience and memory as guiltand then combines within the space of one final sequence two points in time : the tenuous barriers between dream and memory, past and present, real and imagined characters, that have held for most of the film have begun to crumble, culminating in the final scene, which as in Ivans Childhood or Solaris, provides a vision of reconciliation of the conflicting forces in the heros life. We are back in the sunlit landscape and the dacha of the past, with the young mother and father lying in the grass. Would you rather have a boy or a girl? he asks her. She smiles, not answering, then sighs and looks away. Joyful choral music swells on the soundtrack as the camera cuts to the mother as an old woman, followed by the narrator as a little boy. The old woman leads the little girl by the hand as the boy follows, and the young mother is seen, choking back tears and the n smiling, as if watching them. The old woman and the two children walk rapidly across a field in long shot; as the boy leaves the frame the young mother is seen standing in the middle of the field looking at her future self, perhaps in deliberate visualization of the Russian proverb: Living life is not like crossing a field. BILBIOGRAPHY1.Johnson V.T. Petrie G. The Films of Andrey Tarkovsky: A Visual Fugue, Indiana University Press,Bloomington, 19942.Tarkovsky, Andrey. Sculpting in Time,, University of Texas Press, Austin, 19863.Turovskaya, Maria. Tarkovsky: Cinema as Poetry,Faber Faber, Boston, 19894.http://www.skywalking.com/tarkovsky/tmirror.htmlCategory: Music and Movies
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