Friday, November 29, 2019
Friedrich Nietzche Essays - Friedrich Nietzsche,
Friedrich Nietzche Friedrich Nietzche was born in Rocken. He spent much of his time alone, reading the Bible. Nietzsches father died in 1849. The young man withdrew deeper into religion. Friedrich received a scholarship to Schulpforta, an elite prepatory school with only 200 students, in October 1858. The scholarship as intended to fund Nietzches training for the clergy. His mother, Franziska, and his young sister, Elizabeth, are dedicated to Friedrichs success, certain of his future. At the age of 18,Nietzsche lost his faith in traditional religion. His faith received a fatal blow when he found philosophy. In 1865 Nietzsche discovered Schopenhauers World as Will and Idea. The work forever challenged Nietzsches view of the world. Schopenhauers philosophy was rather dark for its time; it became a part of Nietzsches world-view was it was well suited to his nature. It seemed as if Schopenhauer were addressing me personally. I felt his enthusiasm, and seemed to see him before me. Every line cried aloud for renunciation, denial, and resignation. -Nietzsche Nietzche was conscripted into the military at the age of 23. While he had hoped to avoid the draft, he had no such luck. He was not destined to be in the military however, soon falling from a horse. Nietzsches shoulder and chest were injured, possibly torn muscles, and he was released from service having not yet complete training. Curiously, Nietzsche continued to idealize the military and its orderly way of life despite not wanting to serve in the army. His respect for the individual gave at times to a need for order. The University of Basle appointed Nietzsche to a chair when he was 25 years old. As a professor of classical philology, Nietzsche spent days lecturing and analyzing Latin and Greek works. He later recalled this as a most unheroic contribution to mankind, wishing he had pursued a more active and socially valuable career, such as medicine. Nietzsche never was satisfied with his own value. In 1869, composer Richard Wagner invited Nietzsche to spend a winter holiday with him in Tribschen. Wagner was living with another mans wife and was not known for his conformity. Somehow, Wagner appealed to Nietzsches sense of adventure. Nietzsche was so taken by Wagner that he decided his first book would be a tribute to Wagners music. Unfortunately, the writing this work was delayed by war in 1870, when Germany and France went to war Still romanticizing the life of soldiers, Nietzsche went to volunteer for military service. This time the army refused him due to his poor eyesight, in addition to his weak upper body. Nietzsche found it possible to serve as a medic, allowing him as close to medicine as his nature would ever allow. As he quickly learned, Nietzsche did not like the sight of blood, and the suffering of others made him ill. He eventually fell ill, possibly due to stress, and was sent home. The Birth of Tragedy out of the Spirit of Music was published in 1872. With the publication of The Birth of Tragedy, Nietzsche returned to Baasle to lecture. The work became a subject of ridicule in academic circles, but the nobility and nationalists loved it. Nietzsche became a celebrity, standing he put to work on behalf of his friend Wagner. The two men were able to convince the government to fund the construction of the Bayreuth theatre, which would feature Wagners works. The Bayreuth was completed in 1876. On August 12, 1876, the Emperor arrived to hear Wagners The Ring of Nibelung, a work Wagner considered his masterpiece. To his dismay, Nietzsche found he hated the work. He made an excuse to depart, and promptly took a vacation to reconsider his opinion of Wagners music and Prussian culture in general. At least Nietzsche was not alone: the long multi-day performance proved a failure financially and in terms of attendance. Wagners public star fadedat least for a bit. Physically and mentally, Nietzsche collapsed in 1879. He was certain death was near and even arranged his funeral with his sisters assistance. Nietzsche recovered from this primarily emotional collapse, but he knew that he had come close to death. The experience changed Nietzsche for a time. He enjoyed life and the universe around him. For a bit, he was happy. The
Monday, November 25, 2019
Assumption on piaget theory Essays - Child Development, Free Essays
Assumption on piaget theory Essays - Child Development, Free Essays Assumption on piaget theory Assumption on piaget theory About: The main "cognitive" hypothesis, grew by Jean Piaget starting around 1920. Piaget watched and depicted kids at distinctive ages. His hypothesis is extremely expansive, from conception through puberty, and incorporates ideas of dialect, logical thinking, moral advancement, and memory. Assumptions: Each stage establishes the framework for the following. Everyone experiences the stages in the same request. Each stage is subjectively diverse. Significance it is a change in nature, not simply amount . The youngster is a dynamic learner. Essentially they need to do it all alone, they can't. Summary: Swiss scientist and analyst Jean Piaget (1896-1980) watched his youngsters (and their procedure of comprehending their general surroundings) and inevitably added to a four-stage model of how the psyche forms new data experienced, He set that kids advance through 4 stages and that they all do as such in the same request, These four stages are: ~ Sensor motor stage (Birth to 2 years of age), The newborn child manufactures a comprehension of himself or herself and reality (and how things work) through connections with the earth, It has the capacity separate in the middle of itself and different items, Learning happens by means of digestion (the association of information and retaining it into existing diagram) and convenience (when an item can't be absorbed and the schemata must be modied to incorporate the article ~ Preoperational stage (ages 2 to 4) The tyke is not yet ready to conceptualize conceptually and needs concrete physical circumstances, Objects are classied in basic routes, particularly by critical highlight ~ Solid operations (ages 7 to 11), As physical experience amasses, accommodation is expanded, The youngster starts to think conceptually and conceptualize, making consistent structures that clarify his or her physical encounters. ~ Fonnal operations (starting at ages 11 to 15), Cognition achieves its nal structure. By this stage, the individual no more obliges solid articles to make normal judgments, He or she is fit for deductive and theoretical thinking, His or her capacity for conceptual deduction is very much alike to a grown-u
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Smart board technology in the classroom for special education Essay
Smart board technology in the classroom for special education - Essay Example Technology is indispensable in our lives. Today's standard norm in teaching, involve the use of the latest technologies. Social tagging, digital story telling and interactive white boards are the latest advancements in electronics. The smart board technology is part of the interactive white board technology. It can be described as an assistive technology. It assists the teacher make the learning experience worth while especially for those students with special needs. It is a white board that makes use of the computer and the data projector in teaching and the carrying out of presentations. Computers with windows or mackintosh applications, which are the most common, can support this technology. The images on the computer are projected on the board for better viewing. The good thing about this technology is that it allows for the use of the fingers on the touch sensitive surface as a way of controlling the computer. Thus, instead of students being at the computer they can easily carry out their presentations at the front of the class. More over, through the use of the smart pen, it is also easy to write on the white board. Another important aspect of this technology is that one can also save all the notes that may be written on the board as a computer file. The notes and images created can also be easily printed out. The smart board is of immense help with a wide range of uses. It can be used for presentations, music lessons, mathematics lessons, can be used in assemblies to communicate something to the students, for brainstorming purposes, for language lessons (students can learn how to write stories, learn about verbs an nouns by highlighting them on the board), in art class, and for computer lessons. (Smart board, n.d.) Resources. According to Martin, technology is a vital tool in special education. Special education targets children/students with disabilities/special needs. These needs may stem from mental or psychological impairment. Her writings on special education, technology and teacher education provide a secondary source of literature in support of technology in special education. Edyburn, in the remedial and special education journal also provides more information in support of technology use in special education. Mull & Sitlington in the journal of special education have also provided meaningful insight into assistive technology. Findings. One of the most important issues espoused by Martin has to do with the proper integration of appropriate technology into the education system to benefit all students, those with disabilities and those without alike. Of particular importance is the No Child Left Behind Act. This act should be implemented in schools to ensure that even the educational need of student's with disabilities are addressed appropriately. More over, technology has been found to play a pivotal role in as far as academics, their independence after school, for employment and career purposes and for productivity both at school and in their lives out of school. Particularly, technology is important as it helps these students make full use of their independence advantage in their educational and employment tasks. Secondly, it also helps the children take a more proactive role in class by encouraging their participation even in classroom discussions. This is important because the best way to learn is not only by obs erving but also by participating/taking part. Through the use of technology, a whole new world of peers, mentors and even role models is open to them. These maybe the instructors who share the technology, their life experiences and may serve to also motivate these children. Technology is also good for self advocacy. Technology can help those who are not quite able to communicate effectively for whatever reason do so
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Communism and Society in Europe Before 1848 Essay
Communism and Society in Europe Before 1848 - Essay Example This agitations and grievances led to the establishment of the People’s Charter in 1938, which presented a list of reforms that the chartists demanded that the political organization and the government of the time had to implement (Hovell and Tout, 22). It is in the consideration of the nature of the organization that Chartism developed and its ability to mobilize workers from all classes, to work towards a common course, that make me feel that this is the movement that I would have joined if I was living in 1848. The nature of the grievances that the Chartists were presenting to the political class and the government also prompts me to identify with their grievances, since they were merely basic rights requests. In support of embracing Chartism at the time, these are the reasons: First, the most vital grievance that was being presented by the chartists was the involvement of the people in deciding the political destiny of the country. In the light of this, the chartists were demanding that every man of age 21 and above should be allowed to vote, so as to decide the leaders that would lead them (Hovell and Tout, 112). Additionally, the demand stated that a man of sound mind, and who was not facing any crime charges should be allowed to vote and decide the political destiny of the country. The presentation of such a grievance by the workers during this century was a mark towards advancing democracy, since they were calling upon the government and the existing political class to pave way for the general public to be involved in running the political affairs of the country. Considering that political space at the time was dominated by the monarch, where the general public had little to do with determining the fate of the leadership of their country, the Chartism movement could not have come at a better time. This forms a basis for considering to have been absorbed into Chartism, in 1848. The second grievance that the Chartists were presenting is the conduct of elections through universal suffrage, where the participating individuals would be allowed to vote through a secret ballot (Hovell and Tout, 154). This demand was meant to ensure that the voter was protected in the exercise of his political right, since there is no voter intimidation that would arise through participating in a secret ballot to elect a leader, as opposed to the application of other open methods that would expose the voter to intimidation and threats from the rival camps (Hovell and Tout, 175). The presentation of such a grievance by the chartist movement is also justifiable, since it was a mere attempt to fight for the basic rights of the people; the right to express their political right, free of intimidation and threats. The third grievance that the Chartism movement was fighting for is the freedom to elect whichever candidate they deemed appropriate for the position of a member of parliament. Consequently, the chartists sought to have the property restriction removed, so that the constituents could elect any individual whether they were rich or poor (Hovell and
Monday, November 18, 2019
The Missing Link in Conflict resolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
The Missing Link in Conflict resolution - Essay Example IGD also aims to identify differences across the groups brought together and to improve the capabilities of both individuals and groups to achieve social justice (Nagada and Gurin 2007, 35). This paper compares and contrast the conflict processes operative for Northern Ireland, South Africa and the Israeli/Palestinian conflicts. The object is to identify what if any of the IGD theories are reflecting in these three conflict resolution process. The South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) is characterized as among the country’s â€Å"most effective†conflict resolution processes to date (Gibson 2006, 409). The TRC has contributed significantly to South Africa’s democratic reforms by influencing a â€Å"more reconciled society†(Gibson 2006, 409). The conflict resolution process in Northern Ireland takes a similar holistic approach in that the conflict resolution process is centered around policies and initiatives designed to foster equality and to â€Å"improve community relations†(Cairsn and Darby 1998, 754). The School of Peace approach to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict resolution is slightly different in that the process aims to heighten individual awareness of the conflict, their part in it and the facilitation of identities via intergroup interactions (Halabi and Sonnenschein 2004, 49). IGDs are built around bringing together between 12 and 16 students once a week for between ten and fourteen weeks. These students convene under the leadership of a â€Å"trained peer†who instructs from a plan that merges several learning initiatives which include â€Å"intellectual and effective engagement†; â€Å"individual reflection and group dialogue†; â€Å"individual intergroup and institutional analyses†; â€Å"affinity-based and heterogeneous groupings;†and â€Å"individual and collective action†(Nagada and Durin 2007, 35). IGD takes the position that the social justice education typically fails to implement tools of intergroup interactions
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Diverse Perspectives in Physics Classrooms
Diverse Perspectives in Physics Classrooms The School of Science invited the esteemed Dr. Sylvester James Gate, currently a professor at the University of Maryland, to give two talks on Tuesday March 21,2017. The first talk What unique perspectives does a minority student bring to a physics classroom?, given in Mayo Concert Hall as the second annual Barbara Meyers Pelson 59 Lecture in Faculty-Student Engagement, focused on Gates experience as an educator and his observations on how minority students bring diverse perspectives to physics classrooms. The event began with Janet Morrison introducing Dr. Gate who is an intellectual pioneer in string theory, super gravity, and super symmetry, has authored over 200 research papers, is the director for String and Particle Theory Center in Maryland, and was honored with a membership in the National Academy of Sciences. He received the National Medal of Science from President Obama for is contributions to scientific research in 2013 and became the first African America to hold an endow ed chair of physics at a major United States research university. In addition to is impressive academic achievements, Gate has also been a lifelong advocate for diversity in the classroom; even being the first physicist to write to the United States Supreme Court to argue the importance of minority students in college classrooms. This letter to the Supreme Court and an article published in response to a judges question about his position was the corner stone of his lecture. Gates opened his talk by giving a short summary of his career regarding physics and public outreach through documentaries and commercials. This lead to him discussing his first documentary in the 1990s where he explored how the sciences were starting to be accessible to minorities communities in ways, such as professor positions and research opportunities, that had not been possible before. This lead to allegory on diversity, starting with all things music, that eventually made its way to the Supreme Court. Gate argued that life is enriched from different musical style (Gate) and I doubt anyone would disagree that their life is poorer due to having more than classical music to listen to. This theme of diversity enhancing a topic or product, Gate argues, can be found throughout the scientific disciplines. In biology, diversity in biomes creates life that is more adaptable to change. In biomedical engineering, the use of genetic modification not only increases yields in food harvest bu t also decreases the use of environmentally harmful pesticides. It is this argument, rather than the moral argument (Gate), that Gate bases his position on. He states that, while it is correct morally to ensure individuals from all backgrounds have access to the sciences, it is imperative for science as a discipline to ensure diversity to survive. So what does diversity do? It enriches the experiences. It gives us a bigger set of choices (Gates) and these choices are the future of scientific development. While Gates never mentions the terms situated knowledge or standpoint theory his arguments and stance about diversity in the classroom and academia are dependent on these theories. He stated during the question and answer part of the talk that the outsider viewpoint which is therefor intellectual diversity which Im talking about. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦In the example that I talked about, it was the presence of the minorityà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦that caused the majorityà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦to be more careful in their analysis and thats what suppressed the grown of [economic] bubbles. So yes, in that case it is the actual ethnic diversity that did that (Gates)1. Earlier, he also stated that minorities, whether they are ethnic minorities or gender minorities, have a different way of thinking and viewing the world due to their minority statues. This all directly relates to situated knowledge and standpoint theory in the idea that the position of these individuals gives then different perspectives that allows them to better understand the problem at hand. He never outright stated that this perspective is superior to the majority perspective but it was, in my opinion, heavily implied which leads to his arguments being more based in situated knowledge than standpoint theory. I found the talk to be informative but slightly disorganized and the speaker to be open and not afraid to speak his mind even if his opinions were unpopular. During the talk, I learned some very interesting information such as Einsteins history of social justice work and current research on diversity in different disciplines; however, the speaker chose to use an allegory type of storytelling that, if one did not listen intently to, was easy to lose track of. Throughout the talk and while answering questions, Gate was forthcoming on his personal views and beliefs whether the audience agreed with him or not. I believe this was especially relevant during the last question after the talk. The person asking the question seemed to be implying that ethnic diversity did not matter as long as there was intellectual diversity, which essentially reminded me of a person arguing that someone was making something all about race, and I believe Gate gave a wonderful answer which not only spoke on ho w ethnic diversity caused intellectual diversity but how it was essential for intellectual diversity. As a teacher, I am hoping to decorate my classroom with diverse scientists, not the same old white guys everyone thinks about when they think of science, and this talk provided me with even more anecdotal and research evidence of the importance of ensure my students see diversity in science. Note This is in reference to a study Gate mentioned that focused on the growth of economic bubbles in stock markets. The study found that the presence of minority traders suppressed the growth of bubbles in the stock market, like the housing bubble that caused the 2008 United States crash, and that these results could be reproduced in white majority nations and Asian majority nations. Work Cited Gates, Sylvester J. What unique perspectives does a minority student bring to a physics classroom? Barbara Meyers Pelson 59 Lecture in Faculty-Student Engagement, The College of New Jersey, 21 March 2017, Mayo Concert Hall, Ewing, NJ, Lecture.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Elizabeth The Film Essay -- essays papers
Elizabeth The Film Theme of the Film: How Elizabeth managed to gain the throne through turmoil, and then maintain it through even greater conflict and opposition. Greatest Surprise of the Film: The attention to detail and the symbolism employed to make the story richer than any other period piece. The script was also very well written, and very well paced making the movie much more enjoyable to watch because it was interesting and did not drag. Historical Characters Prioritized: Elizabeth I, Duke of Leicester, Sir William Cecil, Walsingham, Duke of Norfolk, Mary Queen of Scots, and the Vatican, various potential suitors to Elizabeth I. Understanding Clarified Which Would Not Be Achieved Through Reading Alone: Elizabeth’s political struggles greatly affected her personal life. Being a passionate woman did not make this easy, and she was forced to give up much, even love, for her rule and her state. Summary: The film Elizabeth is set in 1552, mid sixteenth century, when a shift in power is about to occur in the British Empire. The daughter of Henry VIII and one of his many headless brides, Elizabeth was not only outcast because of this, but because of her protestant religious beliefs and affiliations. Her half sister Mary, along with her sister’s husband Philip II of Spain, ruled the English Empire at this time. They were both strict to the catholic faith and when they felt the threat of their protestant relative. They had her arrested and brought to the Tower of London for interrogation, and hopefully a confession of treasonous heresy. But in a turn of events, Mary dies without giving way to signing Elizabeth’s death warrant. Suddenly a â€Å"protestant heretic†is upon the throne of England. So Elizabeth I, of the house of Tudor, begins her rule of the English Empire on a wobbly footing. With the likes of the Duke of Norfolk and up even to as high as the Vatican itself, plotting against the new Queen, and Elizabeth’s personal endeavors complicating her rule, Elizabeth must choose wisely in her actions so not to lose her throne or her head. Biding by the advice of her trusted counsel including her lover, the Duke of Leicester, Sir William Cecil, her only real father figure, and her advisor and bodyguard Walsingham, Elizabeth tried to bring her rule and her state to order. In the end, Elizabeth has to give her love and he... ... film good. 3. Results? A great script, concentrated direction, brilliant lighting and cinematography, etc. all helped make the film very good. But the core of this film is definitely the emotion. The acting was wonderful and the story was nothing short of great. These were the hearts of the film. Recommendations for Future Use of this Film: This films gives amazing insight into what royalty have to go through. It was informative about the religious struggles in Europe in the sixteenth century, as well as the overall fight for power the throne causes. The film brings much attention to the idea of corruption and betrayal, especially those you very much love and trust. The film focuses on the idea of sacrifice. Elizabeth had to sacrifice her own personal life in the end in order to secure her rule and remain queen of England. She symbolically cut her hair and became â€Å"The Virgin Queen,†deciding to never again let man or romance get in the way of the throne. Did she truly want to do this, or was it just a necessary evil? All that we are told is that she remained at the throne for another forty years after this film ends, and that her rule is considered England’s â€Å"Golden Age.â€
Monday, November 11, 2019
The power of play: learning what comes naturally Essay
Depth research has been carried out on the correlation between play and its positive benefits on early childhood learning, growth and development. It has been established that there is a positive connection between creative language and play and the social development of a child. Play has emotional benefits on a child such as enjoyment, relaxation, fun, love of life, tension reduction and self expression. Developmental benefits of play include cognitive development where imagination, creativity, problem solving, mastery of concepts and perspective taking improves. Socially the child grows which can be seen through co-operation, sharing, turn-taking, conflict resolution and leadership skills development. The language of the kid also develops that is in terms of communication skills, vocabulary and narration. This paper goes further to illustrate how play affects learning. ( p.66-67) In our case we will have a sharp in-depth look at two chapters, the first one being; Authoring books, plays and identities in writing workshops. Key practice: Approximated writing. The second chapter we shall look at is the discourse of creative expression. The first chapter mostly handles introduction to writing to kids where they are taken through a workshop where they mainly engaged in writing. The climax of it is when the kid finally authors a book and has a chance to sit on the authors chair and read the book to the class and to be admired and questioned at the end of the writing workshop. The rationale behind choosing this chapter on developing writing is that written communication is a very key skill communication skill and anyone should care being an expert in communicating really well through writing. It is thus a privilege and great pleasure learning how a kid or an individual at large develops this skill and also to reflect and see how probably we did begin at it or ought to begin at. Approximated writing is the key arguments in this chapter which symbolizes or represents a range of ways in which children can deliberate within their inner self between their personally invented forms of language understanding and the culturally determined rules for language. Approximated writing is close to the real writing language which embraces errors, incorrect spellings. It is used by children to formulate meaningful messages through their use of their emerging mastery of the language. The kids initiated their own writing projects and as they wrote they designed and illustrated images and prints for puppet plays, pages for kids-printed books, cards to relatives and friends, storyboards and journals. Graphophonic conventions such as using alphabetic symbols like â€Å"tuk†to represent the word took, putting bigger spaces between words, placing marks on words and organizing them in a pattern. Authoring in the workshop happened when the kids wrote, drew, told and dramatiz ed the texts they had written down. Finally in regard to authoring the kids connected texts for the kids-produced books that they presented to the others through reading aloud from the author`s chair or even short plays that were acted for the class and videotaped. A number of realizations came from these workshops or activity that was centred on kids literacy. The first one being that children are capable writers who are able to actively create and co-create meaning and such activities can be very instrumental in bringing out their literacy proficiency this is so because it is in such that they are challenged to explore all genres of written communication and also get a chance to freely air their ideas through their conversations and writings. The idea of getting a chance to sit on the author`s chair, present the book to the class, to be questioned and admired at the end of the writing workshop motivated the kids to really come up with a well-illustrated book. The methodology used in this chapter or writing workshop to teach the children how to write is something really great and enjoyable both for them and their instructor As a wrap up I can comfortably state that it is a matter of fact that children learn through play and exposure to plays enable them to develop their intellectual, social and emotional skills. Plays should thus be a part and parcel of a child`s life so that the child may grow and develop holistically failure to which the development of the child will be hindered. References Brock, A. (2009). Perspectives on play: learning for life. Harlow, England: Pearson/Longman. Elkind, D. (2009). The power of play: learning what comes naturally. Cambridge, Mass.: Da Capo Lifelong ;. Gordon, I. J., Guinagh, B., & Jester, R. E. (2009). Child learning through child play; learning activities for two and three year olds. New York: St. Martin’s Press. Marzollo, J., & Lloyd, J. (2011). Learning through play ([1st ed.). New York: Harper & Row. Silberg, J. (2009). Learning games: exploring the senses through play. Beltsville, Md.: Gryphon House. Tizard, B., & Hughes, M. (2010). Young children learning (2nd ed.). Malden, MA: Blackwell Pub.. Tizard, B., & Hughes, M. (2010). Young children learning (2nd ed.). Malden, MA: Blackwell Pub.. Wood, E. (2013). Play, learning and the early childhood curriculum (3rd ed.). London: SAGE. Source document
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Megan essays
Megan essays In the early nineties, most American suburban households would have never thought twice about letting their kids play nearby outside or in the front yard of their homes. Before the nineties, citizens never new if there was a sexual predator living near by their homes or withinin their communities. On July 29, 1994, a family and a community was shattered when 7 year old Megan Nicole Kanka was brutally raped and murdered less than thirty yards away from the doorstep that she was playing on. She was lured into a neighbors house who had invited her inside to come and play with his new puppy. No one in the community knew that he was a convicted sex offender, who had attempted sexual assault on other children. Would you want to be informed if a sex offender moved in next door to your home? Should citizens have the right to be informed of the sex offenders that our living inside their communities? After a tragic story like Megan Kanka, the emotions from within naturally scream out y es. The solution to this problem is not as easy as the emotions within make it first appear. When Megan Kanka was brutally sodomized and raped, the aftermath was something like a tidal wave of immediate response. The family and community had no idea of their new neighbors recent convictions. Many within the surrounding communities pledged their support by signing petitions saying that citizens have, The right to know when a sex offender moves into the area. With the help of four hundred thousand signatures collected, the slogan, The right to know! became a law in New Jersey in a record 89 days after Megans murder (Tom Hughes 136). Today, there are laws in all fifty states that require some form of public notification when a sex offender moves into a new area. Child molestation cases and pedophilia have always been serious issues that stir up some of the strongest emotions from deep within. The emotio...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Human Interactions with Environment in Ancient Egypt Essays
Human Interactions with Environment in Ancient Egypt Essays Human Interactions with Environment in Ancient Egypt Paper Human Interactions with Environment in Ancient Egypt Paper Experience made them able hunters and gatherers, and later made them adept at herding. But, lacking the experience of modern people, they assumed that they were at the center of the universe, which they saw as flat, small and under sky. They were doing the best they could in drawing conclusions about the world around them. Much of the Paleolithic Age occurred during the period in the earths history known as the Ice Age. Around this time glaciers advanced and retreated many times. Because the people during the Paleolithic Age were living during such a harsh time they had to get adjusted to their environment so they started to depend on animals for their source of food. Since the eoliths people were nomads and hunters and gathers, they followed their source of food. In this time their main source of food were the huge animals that traveled together such as mammoths. They used their environment to help them survive. The Paleolithic people lived in caves and tents made from animal skin, their cloth were made from animal skin and leaves. It is hard to imagine how Neanderthals or Homo sapiens could have survived without fire during the Ice Age. The first stone tools were probably used as projectiles or to hit with them like with a mace. Later, the primitive humans observed that Rosen stones had cutting edges that could inflict deeper wounds or cut animals into pieces. Step by step, people learned to hit stone by stone to produce sharpened tools. The stone processing was used until the discovery of the metals by Homo sapiens, after the Neolithic[l ]. Stone scrapers were used for removing the skins of the animals. Stone axes were used for wounding or cutting up the prey. They had handles made of wood or deer antlers. Stone drills were used too. During the Upper Paleolithic (40,000 to 10,000 BC), more complex stone tools appeared, like stone lamps that were filled with grease and had a wick made of plant fibers. The exile arrow points were complex, having rods that allowed them to be joined to the shaft via a resin or tendons. Bone harpoons and needles from this period were found in Europe[2] During the Neolithic era people were developing ways to communicate, better ways to make weapons, better ways to obtain food and started to develop a religion. The Neolithic people discovered a way to obtain a better source of food. They discovered how to farm. They started to grow crops and became farmers. They would usually look for sources of water and build irrigation systems. The great source of food now game them time to title down and become civilizations. As they settled down they also found a way to domesticate animals. Their diet probably consisted of dairy products such as milk, cheese, meat and a variety of edible grains; wheat, barley, and rice. Because they discovered how to tame the animals they started to develop their technology they made their cloth from wool from the goats. Neolithic people were mostly farmers and herders, but then there were certain people who didnt want to be a farmer or an animal tamer. These people started to specialize in different jobs, jobs that needed to be done. For example crafts like carpentry, weaving and pottery. Carpentry was needed to make homes and buildings, the weaving was needed for the cloth, and pottery was needed to make bowls or statues or even ornaments, decorative ornaments. They also developed sets of rules to guide ones behavior. With no defined difference between spirit and materiality, they believed that in preserving a corpse they were also helping to preserve the spirit of one who had died. And they believed that they could nourish the spirit of the corpse by putting gifts of food alongside it.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Being a Leader Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Being a Leader - Essay Example However, overtime Chung did not turn out as Leary expected since he distanced himself from her and fellow workmates, although his work was outstanding at first, Leary became uncomfortable with the way Ted conducted his business; as well, she was uncomfortable with his request. The main cause of the problem in the case is mistrust between Karen Leary and Ted Chung, among other concerns like professional conduct, cultural consideration, individual responsibility, self-interest, integrity, code of ethics and indecision. The primary problems in this case include Ted’s performance conflicting with company demands, language barrier between the industrialist and Karen the manager at Merrill Lynch and Ted’s withering of individual responsibility under demands of the client. Other problems include Ted’s Self-interest that led to greed and selfishness as well as Karen’s indecision regarding Ted’s request. In this case, Causes of the problems include culture at the organization before Karen became manager; Ted’s professional performance sometimes conflicted with the company demands and Self-interest. Other causes include Ted’s change in performance reporting, Chung’s integrity issues and decline of individual responsibility. ... Cultural framework determines human resource practices in many companies especially in recruitment and personnel management, which was the main cause why Leary hired Chung for the position of financial advisor to target Taiwanese investors. Since employee belief regarding obligations to organization or other employees is inherently perceptual and subjective, a person’s interpretation of terms and conditions of obligation may differ, which make employees to develop different comprehension of employer obligations. For instance, according to Elias and Linda (6), when Chung is ordered to stay at the sales assistant desk, he was uncomfortable with the request and maneuvered his way out of the desk. In evaluating Chung, it appears that Leary made perpetual errors in assessing him; for instance, it is clear from the study that Ted’s â€Å"increased displays of ego and temper†worried Leary (Elias and Linda 8). Moreover, even though, she was concerned with Chung’s slow start, with time Chung became a strong producer and Leary acknowledged that the Taiwanese market had the potential to be further developed (Elias and Linda 8). Nevertheless, Leary felt uncomfortable with various aspects of Ted’s performance since she did not know how Chung’s client was involved with the account, and matters were made worse by her inability to access the client because of the language barrier and the client’s close relationship with Ted. Although a year passed since Chung got hired, Leary tried to know Chung better but he often distanced himself from her and other financial consultants in the office (Elias and Linda 1). Within organization setting, individuals seek to fulfil personal goals, while at the same time others within the same
Saturday, November 2, 2019
THERE ARE 5 KEY CONTINGENCIES. TO WHAT EXTENT CAN MANAGERS IGNORE OR MEDIATE THESE CONTEXTUAL FACTORS UNDER WHAT GENERAL CONDITIONS MIGHT MANAGERS BE FORCED TO RESPOND TO THESE FACTORS - Essay Example The imperatives of the fast changing perspectives in managerial leadership within an organization have become vital to its impact on the performance outcome of the employees and organization, as a whole. Hitherto, managerial leadership or managers were solely responsible to achieving the targeted production and efficient administration through a well defined rational analysis, planning and decision making which distinctly lacked consideration and importance of human interaction in the organizational culture. Today the equation seems to have changed and ‘we approach managerial leadership as a relational, ongoing social construction process rather than as a single clear cut phenomenon’ (Sjostrand and Tyrstrup, 2001). The various aspects of the interactive elements of the organization, work together to produce a cohesive, output representing the organizations unique objectives and goals. The different contextual factors vis-à -vis size, technology, environment, diversification and globalization are vital elements that have significant impact on the managerial decision making. Organisation’s performance outcome is directly related with the size of its workforce that may be working within well defined parameters of organizational structure. The stratified but focused division of labour within the organization is an intrinsic part of management strategy to achieve the organisation’s goals and objectives. The strategy of the managerial leadership to transform the workforce into human capital is being accepted as an inherent part of organisational culture. The changing socio-economic environment made it necessary that more consideration be paid to socio-cultural and political environment so that the requirements of the people became the focal point in the development of strategy. McGregor has been emphatic that proactive participation of the workforce in the decision making is imperative for
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